Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What Punishment This Girl Wants To Give Nirbhaya Rapists Will Give Men Goosebumps

What Punishment This Girl Wants To Give Nirbhaya Rapists Will Give Men Goosebumps

After the Nirbhaya rape case, the whole nation went into a black doom day for a lot of time.
It was a matter of utter shame for the people and the government for not being able to protect a young and aspiring woman’s life afterwards also.
But, the nation knows what happened with her and also knows who did this.
But, the government is holding the convicts of the rape case in the jails feeding them daily and not giving them a proper response of their crime.
This is what every citizen of India feels like.
So, what should be done to punish the guys who raped Nirbhaya brutally and left her nude on the road to die?
This girl has a way and also has a reason behind it which is pretty much convincing and inspiring too.
After watching this video, no one would even dare to think about raping a girl again.
Watch the whole video to know what the girl has to say and also share the post with your friend and family to spread the awareness.

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